What Does THC-Free CBD Oil Mean, And Is It Available?

Many companies that make CBD oils claim that their oil is THC-free, but this doesn’t mean that the THC is equal to zero. This is scientifically very hard to extract out all the THC from a CBD based product. There are various means of extracting CBD oil from hemp seeds, and it also controls the concentration of constituents that one is going to get after the extraction. Legally 0.3% THC is allowed in purely CBD products also.

Companies that produce oils whose THC concentrations are not exactly zero but under 0.3% can claim it under THC free. But many companies use the term ND or non-detectable for a smaller fraction of THC. Check a range of THC-free products at https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/best-cbd-oil-for-pain/

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil Comes With A Natural THC Concentration

Whole-plant CBD products are natural CBD sources, and although hemp is supposed to have low to zero THC content, this is not usually possible. Any strain of a CBD has some THC amount in it, and only broad-spectrum or isolate CBD claims to be THC free. According to the entourage effect theory, THC is also beneficial for a wholesome relief from pain or illness that the person is dealing with.

Therefore, full-spectrum CBD oil has better effects, and the potential 0.3% THC in the oil will not harm the person adversely. It is not sufficient enough to cause heavy head or severe psychoactive effects to a person.

Are There Any Downsides Of THC-Free Hemp Oil?

  • A person could miss out on the entourage effect they could have experienced with the full-spectrum CBD oil.
  • The extent of relief would not be as equal to THC consisting oil because THC has substantial effects on the mind.

But this doesn’t mean that everyone has to show this tolerance to THC. Some products are made of isolate CBD only. Those who do not wish to include any amount of CBD, like patients who have an intolerance to THC or beginners with CBD, should undoubtedly opt for isolated broad-spectrum oil only. A complete range of THC-free as well as full-spectrum products are available at https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/best-cbd-oil-for-pain/ 

How To Consume CBD Oil For Better Results?

  • One can choose to smoke CBD oil with the help of vapes. There are pre-filled vape cartridges available in THC free options also. Or you can purchase the CBD oil and refillable vape separately.
  • Another method included oral consumption of CBD oil, in which a person either swallows the oil directly or could buy CBD oil-based capsules that one can consume orally.
  • And finally, a person can take CBD oil in the form of nasal drops, which goes all the way down to the lungs through the tract.

Each form has its benefits, like smoking is supposedly the fastest method, and this starts working within minutes, but the effect stays only for a few hours max. Orally taking oil might begin working a bit slower, but it has a long-lasting effect because it takes time for breaking down of oil inside the body.


Jack is a focused in maintaining a healthy body and mind. So, he follows different health and fitness blogs to get ideas that can help him in remaining fit.

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